Thursday, September 16, 2010

State vs Cincy

Let's go wolfpack!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Curriculum Theory Visual

Curriculum Theory Visual
Originally uploaded by saltybagel
The assignment was to create a visual on Curriculum Theory. I used the Key Elements of the Instructional Design Process. I did a little tweaking out popped the four most important things.

Students, Objectives, Methods, Evaluations

Purdue OWL

Purdue OWL

Using this site to remember how to write a paper with APA styling.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Writers on Organizations

After reading a couple of section of Writers on Organizations, I decided to write a quick summary about each writer twitter style:

Max Weber: First major figure in sociology, interested in historical development of civs through religion and economics

Aston Group: combined organization theory with research methods of psychology, sociology, and econ.

Alfred D. Chandler: Work focused on the rise of large scale business enterprise in the birth of modern capitalism (1850-1920)

Oliver E. Williamson: Asked why organizations, not what are they like. I struggled with this section.

Henry Mintzberg: Studied what managers actually do as they manage and what kinds of organizations they are managing. Roles can be categorized into interpersonal, informational, and decisional.

Charles Handy: Focused on the changing nature or work and organizations in modern times. Proposed 4 types of organizations: Club Culture (think Zeus), Role Culture (think Apollo), Task Culture (think Athena), Existential Culture (think Dionysus)

Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal: Proposed new type of organization structure based on effective international operations: Multinational, Global, International, and Transnational.