Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Collaborative highlighting in documents - Official Google Docs Blog

Collaborative highlighting in documents - Official Google Docs Blog

Monday, August 30, 2010

EdD in Curriculum and Instruction

For quite a few years, I knew that I wanted to pursue a doctoral degree. I had a good experience with my Master's at Gardner Webb University. At the end of my master's degree they announce that they would be offering a EdD degree. Luckily for me it was designed to be completed while still working. I had explored some other programs, but I would have to move to the campus to complete the degree and I was not ready for that.

I decided on Gardner-Webb and applied to start in the fall of 2010. I was accepted and thought all was good. I got my Gardner-Webb email address and an email inviting me to orientation. I did notice one thing, the email stated welcome to the Masters program. The email said that orientation was the 19th of August and classes started August 30th. I thought about it and decided I should call and confirm. I did and they confirmed the dates.

I drive an hour to Gardner-Webb on the 19th for orientation. I introduce myself and say I am in the EdD program for Curriculum and Instruction. I was met with a quizzical look and was told there is no orientation for EdD. It is just the first night of class. I think no big deal classes start on the 30th and I got my parking permit so it wasn't a total waste of time. I decided to just enjoy my parents this weekend and start class on the 30th.

At work on the 20th, I call Gardner-Webb back to make sure I am in the EdD program. I get my confirmation at 1 PM saying that I have class that night. My weekend was already scheduled. I decide this is a sign that I need to wait a year. I don't like being late for things and can't stand the fact that I missed the first two classes of grad school.

When I called Gardner Webb and talked to the Professor in charge of the EdD Program, to let him know of my decision, he said to start anyway. So now I am back to starting this year. What a crazy ride this has been and I haven't even started classes.

Did You Know? Global Implications?

Two things always stick out in my mind when I watch the Shift Happens/Did You Know video series.

First, for the US to remain on top we must remain creative and innovative.

We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist...
Using technologies that haven't been invented yet...
in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet.

When our students today leave school they are going to be expect to face and solve problems that
they have never heard of nor studied. I would predict that these problems will be solved by creative and innovative students. As teachers, we must foster this creativity in our students.

Second, memorization of facts and figures becomes less important each day. Finding and analyzing the correct information becomes more important each day.

It is estimated that a weeks worth of New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th Century.

It is estimated that 4 exabytes of unique information will be generated this year.

When I was in school, the teacher presented facts to us and we wrote them down. When we had a question we asked the teachers or found it in an encyclopedia. Some families had an encyclopedia. We didn't, so it involved driving to a library. When my daughter has a questions, she just puts it in Google. Today's students have all the worlds information at their finger tips. The problem is some of that information is crap. As teachers, we must teach students how to find the correct and accurate information.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wave and Update on Student Accounts

Google just killed Wave
Google Wave Logo

I was never a big fan of Wave, so I don't see this as being a big deal. It took me a while to figure out what to use it for and it did have some cool features. Google plans to put those features in their other products. I had previously enabled Wave for our Google Apps and for the students. I disabled them today. I hope Buzz is not next, I think it could be beneficial to the district.

I have finished my part of the setting up Google Apps for the students. The ball is now in Gaggle's court. Google recently made some changes and it looks like we may be able to setup every student with a Google Apps account, but turn off email for students in grades 3 and below. I do want your opinion if we should offer email to the younger students.