Friday, September 5, 2014

YouTube: Turn Off Automatic Google Calendar Video Calls

Turn Off Automatic Google Calendar Video Calls

Have you noticed that a video call is being added to each event you create in Google Calendar. If you are Google Apps admin, you can turn this off for you users. From the Admin Console, click Google Apps, click Calendar, and click Share Settings. Look for Video calls and uncheck the box. On a personal Google Calendar, click the gear and click settings. Look for Automatically add video calls to events I create. Toggle between Yes and No.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

YouTube: Managed Bookmarks on Chrome and Chromebooks

Managed Bookmarks on Chrome and Chromebooks

Google has introduced a new feature called Managed Bookmarks with version 37+ of Chrome. Google Admins can now push out bookmarks to their users. From your Admin Console, navigate to Device Management - Chrome - User Settings. Scroll down to User Experience. Chrome and Chromebooks must be on 37+ for them to show up. To check what version your Chromebook is running, click your picture - settings -about.